Update Your Details

Keeping your details up-to-date helps us to stay in touch with you, and care for you.

Basic Details

Tell us about yourself.

Contact Details

Tell us how to get in touch with you.

Family Details (if applicable)

Tell us about your family.
(Children listed here are assumed to be under 18 and still living at home.)

Tip: So we know when to send a birthday card!

Home Address

Tell us where you live.


Let us know where we can help you get connected. There are lots of different ways to be part of the church family at Grace Christian Church Buderim, as we grow together in Jesus Christ.


Select the options below to be contacted by a minstry leader.

Demographic details (Optional)

These details help us to be aware of the makeup of our church, and ensure that our ministries are geared to meet the needs of the people who attend Grace. These are entirely optional.


Completing the fields below will give us permission to use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy for such things as our church directory and the promotion of our ministries (e.g., on the website).

If you have any questions, please contact the church office. If you leave the fields blank, it will be assumed that you do not give permission and your information will be treated confidentially.